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Is the Chicken Kosher?

By Shabbos Stories Behar

The Lost Ones

By Toras Avigdor Behar

The Cube Solver

By Toras Avigdor Junior Behar

Behar - Not Interest-ed

By Congregation Magen Abraham Behar

Behar - It's Not Me

By Congregation Magen Abraham Behar

Behar-Bechukotai - True Value

By Congregation Magen Abraham Behar

Behar - The Seventh Millenium - Eternal Rest

By Victor Bibi Behar
BEHAR - THE SEVENTH MILLENIUM - ETERNAL REST There is an obvious thematic connection between...

Behar - The Land Above and Below Shall Observe a Shabbat

By Victor Bibi Behar
BEHAR - THE LAND ABOVE AND BELOW SHALL OBSERVE A SHABBAT   A fundamental principle in our...

BEHAR: A Tale Of Two Miracles 

By Rabbi Dovid Rhodes Behar
When I was doing Kiruv in Israel, many people asked me, “Why doesn’t Hashem do miracles ...

Parashat Behar/Bechukoti & Hashem's Laws

By Sephardic News Behar
At the end of last weeks Perashah, Perashat Emor, we learned about all the holidays of the year that...